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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Wonderful Gift DIY

This is a super easy and SUPER melt in your mouth DIY. All you need is:

To avoid a funky color we separated the chips.

My boy helped me here.

My sister poured the melted chocolatey goodness on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Then sprinkle on the crushed candy canes.

Refridgerate for 30 minutes, you can "check" on it and chip off the edges to clean it up. :)
Eat, share, package and give as gifts! 
 Cute and easy. This will bring smiles out everywhere. Check out the awesome star adorning the gift. Yes, another easy peasy DIY coming soon! 
I hope your holiday season is off to a great start.


  1. Ohhh, that looks so yummy!

    p.s. miss u

  2. That was so yummy! It's too bad that I couldn't perticipate! Love you mommy and I will be sure to to help next time!
    -Jules http://meandhome.blogspot.com
