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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wonder What Movie to Watch?

We love to come together as a family and watch movies. We have favorite movies that we watch over and over. Often times we quote the movies and crack each other up. These movies are like classics and will be handed down through the generations. We have found that this a great way for our family to bond. This was a whole evening created around one of our favorite movies, The Sandlot,it was super fun just planning it!

 We started out with a steak bbq. This was inspired by a part in the movie where Smalls used a steak to help ease the pain of a black eye. Then we ....

... had a blast creating new versions of smores! My favorite was the Symphony bar smore. This is a Hershey bar with toffee and almond chips, so decadent. I had a great time creating a theme and watching the movie with my family. We also choose favorite quotes from the movie.

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